"Being part of the Master in Manufacturing of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products was a great investment for my professional formation. Together with the good quality of contents that this program comprises, the expertise and dedication that the staff put in this project was outstanding. Every one of them had the best of the intentions for attending our doubts.
Regarding the online format of this program, for me, fits perfectly with my daily activities at work. Moreover, I had the chance to put in practice the knowledge acquired in my work while I was studying.
On the other hand, the practical experiences are, by far, the most valuable aspect of this program. The GMP facilities provided by IAVANTE, together with the interaction with teachers and other students from different countries, creates a perfect environment for apply the theoretical lessons in real situations, as well as for creating a valuable contact network.
In summary, I fully recommend this master program for people that are working in Regenerative medicine field"
Mario Valenzuela Cuevas B.Q.
Lab Manager of Cells & Tissues Manufacturing Area
Santiago, Chile
“The online sections were the most rewarding. In every module I had the opportunity to learn from highly qualified teachers with experience in the field that they taught and of whom any questions were answered….
The face-to-face module that I had in IAVANTE was most enriching in all aspects since it helped me to have a real-life training in a GMP, the theory and practice was of the most didactic nature.
The professors in the face-to-face module were the most prepared, professional, trained and attentive because during each class, each practice, each module we were provided with their experience and professional knowledge which will serve me to be able to place a manufacturer of mesenchymal stem cells here in Mexico...
I recommend the Master’s programme. Not only has it been an enrichment in knowledge and professional experience but it also enriched personally my life, cultural, etc. I had the opportunity to interact with experts in ATMPs but also to know and interact with my colleagues from Spain and other countries and to know a little of what they do in their areas of work.
Thank you in advance for the opportunity offered to be part of this great Master's Degree to the University of Granada and the Andalusian Initiative for Advanced Therapies for being training specialized professionals in this new field of medicine”
Ivan Conde Palacios
Senior Cell Therapy Specialist
Clínica Santa Clarita
Tijuana, Baja California, México.
“This Master course has fitted perfectly into my professional career. It has supposed an efficient help to evolve my knowledge in the field and fully answered to my expectations. I would highlight the excellent quality of the didactic material used and the chance of conducting the practical modules in real GMP facilities. The international character of the course has allowed us to share the technical and regulatory experiences with the participants of other European countries.”
Jaime Tabera Fernández
Quality Assurance Manager Transplat
Clinic Hospital Barcelona
“The master helped me to develop a broader vision on the possible clinical applications of basic investigation and, as a physician, to see beyond the patient’s attention, the regulations and the GMP facilities organization as complex multidisciplinary functional structures. Having the opportunity of sharing knowledge in an academic and multidisciplinary environment has been, without a doubt, one of the most interesting characteristics of this course.”
Luis Antonio Salazar Montaña, M.D.
Internista Hemátologo
Centro de Cáncer y Enfermedades Hematológicas
Clinica Carlos Ardila Lulle
Profesor Asociado UNAB
“Hay avances permanentes en el mundo en la utilización de múltiples tejidos como una modalidad terapéutica. Sin embargo, es frecuente que la oferta sea insuficiente para suplir la creciente demanda de tejidos y órganos. Por esta razón y para suplir la demanda insatisfecha de órganos y tejidos aparecen las terapias avanzadas, el estudio de las terapias avanzadas y en general la medicina regenerativa es en la actualidad uno de los principales retos en salud.
El master en Manufactura de Productos Medicinales de Terapias Avanzadas realizado por la Iniciativa Andaluz de las terapias Avanzadas y la Universidad de Granada, es un buen medio que me ha permitido profundizar e integrar los conocimientos de las ciencias básicos y su aplicación en la terapéutica clínica, mediante tratamientos innovadores como son los productos medicinales de terapias avanzadas.
La oportunidad de compartir con profesores expertos e investigadores en el área de las terapias avanzadas, es una fortaleza del máster, así como también el trabajo práctico realizado en las instalaciones de IAVANTE en Granada, hacen que los conocimientos adquiridos no se queden solo en lo teórico sino que se puedan aplicar a lo real y práctico como en mi caso específico ayudándome a la construcción e implementación de un centro innovador de terapias Avanzadas en FOSUNAB-FOSCAL, en la ciudad de Bucaramanga, Santander Colombia” .
Claudia Lucía Sossa Melo
Jefa de Servicio de Hematología y Trasplante de Médula Ósea
Centro de Cáncer VGR FOSCAL
“The Andalusian Initiative for Advanced Therapies together with the University of Granada established one of the best programs to learn about ATMPs and the basics of GMP. The tutoring is very interactive not only during practical phase but also in the online-based theoretical sections. You will not miss classes. The program offers a great chance to get into contact with other people working in (ATMP-) GMP sector to build up networks throughout Europe. You have the chance to exchange experiences with all experienced tutors and lecturers, also in regulatory aspects and questions. Beside training and learning it is so easy to socialize in the sunny area of Andalusia with all its historical sites in the beautiful old city center of Granada".
Andy Römhild,
PhD, Head of Production
Laboratory of Experimental and Applied Cell Therapy
Berlin-Brandenburg Center of Regenerative Therapies Charité Berlin, Germany